Monday, March 5, 2007

Events from 11/4 to 11/10/2005

What a hideous week. I couldn't believe that there were only these few events this week and I double checked with The Stranger. But they are listing only crap too - except for the David Lynch lecture at the UW on Monday, which I missed.

Is this the Halloween hangover?

My favorites: Roq La Rue on Fri and Steven Miller on Sat.

Friday, 11/4
6:00 PM Robert Williams @ Roq La Rue Gallery
6:30 PM Hershmanlandia @ Henry Art Gallery

Saturday, 11/5
2:00 PM Photographs by Steven Miller @ Shoreline Community College
6:00 PM Hope for Horses in Woodinville.
9:30 PM Earthquake Relief and The Bollywood Project @ Mirabeau

Monday, 11/7
8:00 PM Pyramid Lounge @ High Dive

Friday, 11/4

Robert Williams @ Roq La Rue Gallery

Roq La Rue Gallery

A booksigning/meet and greet with legendary outlaw artist and
the godfather of the Lowbrow/Pop Surrealism movement
Robert Williams
Friday November 4th 6-8pm

Internationally acclaimed artist and pop culture icon Robert Williams will make a rare personal appearance in Seattle on Friday, November 4. He will be signing copies of his new book Through Prehensile Eyes: Seeing the Art of Robert Williams at Roq la Rue gallery’s spacious new facility, now located at 2312 2nd Avenue, from 6:00 to 8:00 PM. Wanna party with the stars? There will be a reception to follow in a nearby location immediately after the signing.

Los Angeles artist Robert Williams has had a remarkable career and has been an enormously influential figure spanning several decades at pivotal moments in our cultural evolution. He was a protégé of Ed "Big Daddy" Roth in the early 60s, working at Roth's fabled Maywood hot rod emporium alongside Von Dutch and Rick Griffin. He went onto become a founding contributor to the ZAP! comix anthology (with R. Crumb, S. Clay Wilson, et. al.), which together with Griffin's psychedelic posters and album covers, defined the aesthetics of the hippie era. He came late to the attention of the fine art world with his sensational paintings at MoCA's "Helter Skelter" exhibition in 1992, which included "Appetite for Destruction" - the namesake painting and cover for the multi-platinum Guns 'n' Roses recording. (This painting actually preceded the album). The legacy of Williams, Roth and Von Dutch was celebrated in the landmark "Kustom Kulture" exhibition, giving birth to the revival of the ubiquitous "kustom" aesthetic. Williams subsequently founded the now-monthly arts journal Juxtapoz, which recently surpassed Art in America in circulation to become the nation's second largest art magazine - behind only Art Forum, and closing fast.

Through Prehensile Eyes (Last Gasp, San Francisco, 2005), offers a fascinating glimpse into the artist’s process through preliminary sketches and conceptual commentary to the finished paintings. The introduction details the varied aspects of Williams’ illustrious career. Copies of Hysteria in Remission (Fantagraphics Books, Seattle, 2003), which thoroughly examines the artist’s work in underground comix, will also be available. We will also have copies of Pop Surrealism-The Rise Of Underground Art which features and essay and work by Williams.

Roq La Rue 2312 2nd Ave (between Bell and Battery)

Hershmanlandia @ Henry Art Gallery

This could be risky. There is a good chance that this show will leave a bad taste in your mouth. Why do I think that? I can't even google up anything interesting about her. What I found at Henry is suspicious. Is this just another Californian fluffy head?


The Art and Films of Lynn Hershman Leeson

Opening Celebration

Friday, November 4, 2005 6:30-9PM
Featuring KEXP's DJ Rachel
Artist Lecture: 7PM. Seating is limited. First-come, first served.

Sponsored by Pyramid Breweries and Hogue Cellars
Free for Henry Members /$8 General Admission /$6 Students and Seniors

Lynn Hershman Leeson. Seduction. 1983. Gelatin silver print. Courtesy of the artist.

Schedule for Selected Films and Videos of Lynn Hershman Leeson
Selected Films and Videos of Lynn Hershman Leeson

Henry Auditorium
FREE with museum admission

The Henry is also showing some short films in the following weeks that are somehow connected to Leeson. They all sound terrible. I hope Pyramid Breweries and Hogue Cellars will provide enough booze. It sounds like you will need it.

Saturday, November 5, 2 PM
Teknolust (2002)

85 minutes/ Tilda Swinton and Jeremy Davies

Anxious to use artificial intelligent robots to create companions in a lonely world, Rosetta Stone, a bio-geneticist devises a way to download her own DNA into a "live” brew she is growing in her computer. She succeeds in breeding three Self Replicating Automatons that look human, but were bred as intelligent machines. All of the characters struggle to find meaning in a world where love is the only thing that makes things real. In the process they find harmony between the real and the virtual worlds. Lynn Hershman Leeson and exhibition curator Robin Held will introduce the film.

Sunday, November 6, 2 PM
Conceiving Ada (1997)

85 minutes/ Tilda Swinton

Themes of love, sex, artificial life, and DNA-transference history intertwine in Hershman Leeson's first feature film. Emmy Coer, a computer genius, devises a method of communicating with the past by tapping into undying information waves. She manages to reach the world of Ada Lovelace, founder of the idea of a computer language in the nineteenth. Emmy has a plan to defeat death and the past using her own DNA as a communicative agent to the past, bringing Ada to the present. But what are the possible ramifications?

Sunday, November 13, 2 PM
Short Films and Videos

A sampling of shorts filmed from the late 1970s to the mid-1990s that explore identity, gender, and technology.

Thursday, November 17, 7 PM
The Electric Diaries (1984-1995)

75 minutes
The Electronic Diaries derives from feminist performances in the 1970's. Both are concerned with documentation and articulation of identity. The Electronic Diaries, however, is specifically designed to be electronically distributed to a mass audience. Each video is produced privately, using no camera person or technicians. The completed works are, paradoxically, widely distributed and internationally broadcast. Exhibition curator Robin Held will discuss Hershman Leeson's provocative series of videos shot as intimate confessionals. A 75-minute film program will follow.

For more information on the film and video screenings listed above, please call 206.616.9894.

The Henry is delighted to announce that The Baci Café at the Henry Art Gallery will now be open on Saturdays from 11-4p.

Saturday, 11/5

Photographs by Steven Miller @ Shoreline Community College

More milk photos from Steven Miller. He got recently married to a pile of dirt. But that didn't prevent him from finishing his new show. I am recommending this event.

photographs by Steven Miller
at Shoreline Community College

Nov 2 - Dec 27 2005

Artist Reception
this Saturday, Nov 5th, 2-4pm

Over 60 people let me pour cold milk all over their warm bodies. Please come view the results.

Shoreline Community College Gallery - Admin Building 1000
Gallery Hours: 9-5pm Mon-Fri
546-4101 ext 4433

Hope for Horses in Woodinville.

Hope for Horses is having a Live/Silent auction.

On November 5th, from 6-10pm

Event held at Sammamish Valley Grange at 14654 148th Ave NE in Woodinville.

They will be auctioning off art work, horse-related items, jewelry, as well as a lot more items you may be interested in.

For more information on their organization, you can check out

If you'd like to help spread the word about this worthy cause and excellent gift-shopping opportunity, please print out the attached flyer and post it in your community. Hope for Horses is a wonderful organization doing some amazing work to benefit abused and abandoned animals.

Please come out and help make this a rousing success!

All the best,

Denise LeBeau

No More Homeless Pets Coordinator

Best Friends Animal Society
5001 Angel Canyon Road
Kanab, Utah 84741
435-644-3965 ext 4122

Earthquake Relief and The Bollywood Project @ Mirabeau

Ah, the Mirabeau Room. Bring on the burlesque belly dancers and the fire spitting clowns with foot and mouth disease! Oh wait, I got that wrong. That's every Tuesday. Saturday is Bollywood Earthquake Fundraiser Night.

Earthquake Relief and The Bollywood Project

Earthquake Fundraiser and The Bollywood Project
Sponsored by Plan & Act and Support from Chaya and

Saturday, November 5th at Mirabeau –

"Widespread destruction following the powerful
earthquake of October 8th has affected at least 5
million people in Pakistan and India. More than 52,000
people have died. Officials fear another wave of
deaths from hypothermia, pneumonia and other
respiratory infections — particularly among children —
unless adequate shelter is provided within the coming
weeks." -- CareUsa.Org

The Bollywood Project in Partnership with Plan & Act
and support from and
present a Fundraiser for the Earthquake that hit South
Asia, Saturday, November 5th at Mirabeau Room

Raise Money, Raise Awareness, bring hope and help to
those who need it.

Proceeds of the Night will be donated directly to The

DJ's Anshul and Advent will provide you with high
quality Bollywood Music all night..

DJ Anshul will be on set at exactly 11PM

We target to raise anywhere from $1500 - $2000 and
with your help, can this goal be achieved.

21+ | Bring VALID ID
Doors at 9:30 PM

The Mirabeau Room
529 Queen Anne Ave N

Monday, 11/7

Pyramid Lounge @ High Dive

Free events always have a special place in my heart:

Darkness is falling early. Wet leaves swirl to the ground with the cold fall rain. But inside the lights will be burning brightly at the Pyramid Lounge on Nov 7th. Come into the warmth and receive the beautiful gifts of dance from Carolyn Davis, Andrea al-Amar, Mellilah, Odori and feature performer, master instructor & entertainer Zaphara and her Middle Eastern Dance Troupe.

Heartfelt welcome and spontaneous joyful announcing by your hosts Raqs Serpentine.

Pyramid Lounge

Monday, Nov 7th 8:00-10:30 p.m.

High Dive @ 513 N. 36th St. (in Fremont, across from the statue of Lennon)
FREE admission 21+ only w/ ID

Opening Music by Erik Brown & Stephen Elaimy - 8:30pm
Dance show starts at 9pm
More information: //

You'll be glad you came!

High Dive @ 513 N. 36th St. (in Fremont, across from the statue of Lennon)

Don Volcano's Computer Corner.

On my flight to San Jose two days ago I went through my old notes. In January this year I read a really interesting book called Fooled by Randomness. The author Taleb argues that humans like you and me are by nature not equipped with senses for adequately estimating risk.

He invented the term "Black Swan" - an event that is extremely unlikely but the impact of only one occurrence wipes you out. It is easy to demonstrate with swans. The statement "All swans are white" might hold for a long time when observing swans. After seeing 1000 white swans one might feel comfortable with this statement. What is the likelihood of finding a black swan after so many white swans? The answer is: it doesn’t matter, because the next black swan will falsify your theory (as it did with the discovery of Australian swans, which are black).

The Black Swans phenomenon explains what happened with Long-Term Capital Management and other financial meltdowns. But you can find them everywhere and makes you kind of don't want to leave your house anymore, because a piano might fall from the sky and hit you. On the other hand staying at home exposes you to Black Swans like Katrina.

For example when my lovely girlfriend forwarded me this link two weeks ago, I immediately thought: hey, that's a Black Swan. What's the likelihood of a Burmese Python exploding after trying to eat a six foot alligator?

Snake bursts after gobbling gator

If you are interested in this kind of stuff I can also recommend another book called Fortune's Formula, which is about the Kelly formula that helps you protecting yourself from getting wiped out by Black Swans when placing bets. And then there is of course Bernstein's brilliant Against the Gods, but I better stop now before I bore you to tears.

Until next week,

Don Volcano.

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