Monday, March 5, 2007

Events from 8/5 to 8/11/2005

This week I would like to try out a new format. Instead of listing all the details I will list all events only in the overview section with links to pages with more information. The events I really care about because I want to downgrade or praise them will be listed in more detail in the sections that follow (as I did before with every event).

I hope that that will work out better as I am realizing that my new job is just too demanding for keeping up with the PV list. Also, the TempleWhores party was apparently on Fri and not on Sat. Sorry about that and I hope that the new format will help to weed out those fuck-ups.

Okay, let's talk about this week. I have one event you have to go to. It's tonight. Vital 5 is presenting God's First Exhibition.

C.D.O. Andrew has also a recommendation for an event that will help prisoners. Some day it might help you too. You never know!

Friday, 8/5

8:00 PM Arab Festival 2005
9:00 PM Los Hernanos del Fuego Party
9:00 PM IOSIS Art Party @ Pacific Science Center

9:30 PM Tandav at Tost

Saturday, 8/6
10:00 AM Washington Renaissance Faire
Noon The Rhone Rangers 2nd Annual Grand Tasting
6:00 PM Books to Prisoners Benefit Auction
7:30 PM Ghost in the Machine

9:00 PM? Tasveer's Independent South Asian Film Festival Benefit
9:00 PM UFO Presents: STUDIO 66

10:00 PM Guerrilla Masquerade Party GMP #21
10:25 PM Latin Dance Cruise

Friday, 8/5


I am so excited:

Hi Party Volcano,

Hope you are having a wonderful summer. This should be something totally different for a Friday kickstart. Can't even begin to explain, but should be a pretty packed event. It is, afterall, God.

Take Care, Greg

I have heard so many good things about God. He is an amazing artist who has influenced many, many people. Countless books have been written about him. He doesn't like to give interviews but if you are interested in his work you should check out "The Bible". It's pretty thick and a little bit slow in the beginning but then it takes off (murder, incest, car chases etc). Either way, he hasn't produced much in the last 40000 years but his older works especially The Universe still continues to impress me. I have heard that the artist will be present tonight (some would say: Isn't he always?) and I hope that he won't send his son again to represent him. You don't want to miss this show!


On Friday, August 5th, 2005, Priceless Works Gallery, in association
with Vital 5 Productions is proud to present God's First Solo
Exhibition. On display will be a retrospective of selected works from
God's great arsenal of creative power and talented history. Drawing
from billions of years of work, we have worked very closely with God to
present a tailored view of Gods art, covering a stunning collection of
surrealist, deconstructionist, cubist, dada, pop, conceptual and
minimalist art.

God, creator of the universe, felt the time was right to claim a stake
in the art world, and set forth a campaign to procure a comprehensive
retrospective. Much to Gods dismay, most of the museums and galleries
God approached turned the 'Divine Master of The Universe" down, be it
for lack of exhibition space, unprofessional slides, an unproven track
record, or incomplete contact information. Many of the museums and
galleries God approached thought it was a prank and wouldn't even take
a meeting. In the midst of a major remodel, The Seattle Art Museum
felt that a God retrospective was outside their resource. The Henry
questioned God's role in contemporary art and The Frye was booked
through 2007. The Howard House recommended Roq La Rue, but Roq La Rue
found it too 'high brow." So down the list God went, looking for a
curator and a space to exhibit a modest selection of sculpture,
paintings, performance and situationist based art.

Vital 5 Productions feels honored to host Gods First Solo Exhibit, even
in the relatively cramped gallery space of Ragan Peck's Priceless Works
Gallery. For one summer night, we will host the selected works of God,
providing a compelling glimpse of God as artist and Gods prolific
contributions to the art world. Simply put, God crushes the
competition. God's range of talents, mediums and creative contribution
to the world remains unparalleled to any mortal human. If you thought
Botticelli, Picasso, Rodin, or Ryden were talented- think again- we are
talking about the creator of The Rainbow and Koala Bears.

Please join us Friday, August 5th, from 7:00 to 10:00 pm for this
unforgettable event. We regret not being able to exhibit the entire
work of this divine master, but we simply just don't have the space.
With what space we do have, God's First Solo Exhibition pulses with
life and color, convincing the deepest skeptic that God truly is the
all time greatest artist. The price of admission is a modest one

Priceless Works Gallery is located at 619 N. – 35th Street #100,
Seattle- in the heart of Fremont. Please feel welcome to contact us
for more information or images for press.


Saturday 8/6

Books to Prisoners Benefit Auction

PV's Chief Discipline Officer (Retired), Andrew, gives a thumb's up to the charity, Books To Prisoners, because, indirectly at least, it deals with issues of punishment. A subject always close to a CDO's heart. Here is his report:

Books To Prisoners is an all volunteer, non-profit group based out of Seattle that sends free books to prisoners across the US. It's a good organization. Imagine being locked up with only crusty, worn-out Playboys and Penthouses for reading material. You, too, might appreciate receiving a good book in the mail.

For this benefit several of my favorite local artists have donated work including Saya Moriyasu, Nina Frenkel, Magda Baker, and Sedora DeBondt. Also on offer will be artwork by prisoners. This is an excellent opportunity to pickup a whimsical collage by Frenkel, a sculpture by Moriyasu, or a lovely landscape by a drug dealing meth-head. I definitely plan on attending.

In addition to the in-person auction on Saturday, you can email bids in for some of the pieces up until Friday, Aug 5 at 5:00 pm. See:

Sev Shoon Arts Center, 2862 NW Market (Ballard), 6 pm to 9 pm. Admission Free.
More info:
Some of the artwork at auction:
Nina Frenkel:
Saya Moryasu:

Don Volcano's Computer Corner

Since we are on the theme of prisoners (see Books To Prisoners Benefit Art Auction on Sat), I thought it might be appropriate to offer some unusual links devoted to meeting that special someone behind bars. With these words I would like to hand it over to PV's Chief Discipline Officer Andrew:

Check this out:

I love the "SUCCESS" stamp across the pix of the inmates who found a partner on the outside.

And these sites, devoted to meetin lovely ladies behind bars:

I haven't looked at any of them too closely, but it looks like some are free sites run by people who want to help out prisoners, and some are sites run for profit.
Perhaps this might be a good alternative to for PV's readers?

Check out this lovely, young woman, self-described as "easy going, gentle spirited and loving":

Now scroll down and read what she is incarcerated for: "Armed Robbery and Felony Murder."


Don Volcano

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