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Last week we experimented with sending out Party Volcano via Yahoo Groups which wound up stripping all the formatting from the email.
So this week we return to using our email account which keeps the formatting but, due to restrictions on the number of addresses one can send to in any given hour, causes us long delays in sending PV out to the entire list. We will suffer with that, dear reader, in order to keep you informed in a well-formatted style.
Also, this week, we introduce several new Party Volcano reporters with specialized niches of expertise:
*David Kelly, our new resident expert on breasts (Aloha Benefit), architecture (BLURRED), and testicular valuation (Jim Blanchard).
*Steve Miller, our noted fashion critic (Bonafide).
*Clint Hutchison, PV’s roving critic on art and electronica (Art Walk, AMALGAMATE). Mr. Hutchison can be reached at:
*We also welcome our new fact checker, Gisele, who wanted to diversify her super-modeling career. Gisele replaces our long-time Swedish fact checker, Inga, who has returned to Stockholm. You can check out Gisele’s websites at: and
(Gisele explains that she needs two websites because she is such a complicated, multi-faceted person.)
Thursday, 8/1
Various times Chainsaw Carving Competition in Westport (1st day)
Ongoing Sarah Morris Installation @ SAM rental window
6 pm onwards Art Walk in Pioneer Square
Friday, 8/2
Various times Chainsaw Carving Competition in Westport (2nd day)
Ongoing Sarah Morris Installation @ SAM rental window
6pm Jim Blanchard @ Roq la Rue
7pm Chris McMullen @ Vital 5
7pm 911 Members Special @ 911 Media Center
7pm Aloha Bra Show @ FuNC
9pm Jellyfish Jamboree @ JEM (goes until 4am, Sat)
9pm Bonafide @ Nation
Saturday, 8/3
Various times Chainsaw Carving Competition in Westport (3rd day)
Ongoing Sarah Morris Installation @ SAM rental window
Various Times Blue Angels (1st Day)
1pm Mike Albano @ Aftermath
9pm AMALGAMATE @ Oseao Gallery
9pm Countdown—Flight to Mars @ Industrial Arts Fire Factory
9:30pm Space Virgins @ Groovetech, etc. (goes until 4am, Sun)
11pm Anabret @Rendezvous.
Sunday, 8/4
Various times Chainsaw Carving Competition in Westport (4th day)
Ongoing Sarah Morris Installation @ SAM rental window
Various Times Blue Angels (2nd Day)
Thursday, 8/1
Westport International Chainsaw Carving Competition.
Maybe it's just me. Sentences that contain the words "chainsaw" and "family" combined with a name of a town in the Northwest of the U.S. are always suspicious to me. Like this announcement:
The world's largest chainsaw carving competition, this event brings dozens of craftsmen to the beach for fun and competition... Custom carving, shops and food vendors line over two blocks in the central marina area. This exciting event brings the best out in this "Timber / Fishing" village. A "Must See" event for the whole family.
Don't forget: this is the area the Manson Family loved to visit during their vacation, the home of Ted Bundy. If chainsaws bring the best out of Westport then I honestly don't want to know about the bad sides of Westport, Washington.
Westport, WA. Thu 8/1- Sun 8/4.
Where is Westport?
Carving Competition:
Lakeshore Carvings:
Very funny log commercial:
"Access or Excess" on First Ave.
Sarah Morris is currently showing an installation of shopping bags in the First Avenue window of the Rental/Sales Gallery, which is associated with the Seattle Art Museum. Last week Party Volcano had a change to see the installation when it was still under construction. Sarah’s specialty (obsession?) is sewing. You might remember her unemployment envelopes shown at Forgotten Works or her gorgeous wedding dress made from white plastic bags from Vital 5’s “Plastic or Paper” fashion show a while ago. This time she sewed 200 plastic bags of different sizes and colors together, forming flexible tubes like bodies of caterpillars. She was planning on hanging those tubes from the ceiling and letting them meander through the room. Some of those tubes might find their way to the window, where they would offer hectic consumers and curious tourists on First Avenue a glimpse of their own inside world – empty shopping bags.
Seattle Art Museum Rental/Sales Gallery’s Window, 1334 First Ave. Of course free. “Access or Excess” is up from 7/29 to 9/29.
Art Walk (including Katy Stone/Claudia Fitch Reception at Greg Kucera Gallery & info on 619 Western).
Our roving art critic, Clint Hutchison, checks in:
Katy Stone can safely be said to have put the most flows on film since Crooked was released by Wordsound Records, no strings attached. Her exhibition at the Greg Kucera Gallery (which would be perfect as a monthly showing at Icon) can be expected to be a cozy guided tour through a visual obsession still vibrant and vital, which is what you want to see in an artist's work, the raw image being turned over and over, sights and discoveries fresh to the both of you, the new tone not yet echoed and harmonized by the cultural landscape.
Claudia Fitch's work will also be on display, and her kitschy-coochie motifs provide a fine counterpoint to the O'Keefean screens mentioned above. Many of her pieces drift into a folksy oeuvre reminiscent of a hypothetical spinster aunt of Jim Woodring, making art in a backyard studio in a perpetual 1964 Orange County summer, shunned by The Mouse but undeterred, working on models for a future Hall of Pharaohs display.
For those indifferent to the imprimatur of authority, willing to stick their heads into the pickling barrel and bob freely, the 619 Western Building is a termite's mound of art, with tunnels and chambers for every caste, from hobo to BoBo. In these genuinely low-rent digs, one can see the work of people with neither publics nor grant administrators to grovel before, most likely doing what they are compelled to, not because they've been praised for it, just like the hustlers and facilitators swarming the streets below. Everyone on The Gallery Walk is searching for something, even if they're just pretending, and this building, frequented by prostitutes of all stripes, is a vortex of that esoteric phenomenon known as the connection, wherein two or more people wager that together they can bring about the moment they just learned they'd been waiting for. Adventure's waiting for someone, and it could be yours for the price of eye contact.
Greg Kucera Gallery, 212 Third Ave S. (Pioneer Square)
619 Western Building, 619 Western (cross street Yesler)
Katy Stone:
Claudia Fitch:
Crooked (Wordsound):
Mr Peanut's Sad Saga at 619 Western (4th Floor):
Art Auction and Speakeasy at 619 Western (5th Floor): Franz lets us know that there will be an art auction starting at 6:30pm and a speakeasy, afterwards, as a benefit for Space Virgins Burning Man Camp (also see their benefit party listed under Sat's events).
Friday, 8/2
Jim Blanchard’s Sticker Shock II @ Roq la Rue.
Jim Blanchard makes pictures of pop culture icons out of thousands of stickers. It’s a weird sort of pop art pointillism.
Our resident testicular valuation expert, David Kelly, comments:
"Sticker Shock 2 at Roq La Rue"—hey, that rhymes. But it would have been better if they called it “Sticker Shock 2 Electric Boogaloo at Roq la Rue.” Now that really flows.
Awhile ago, I sold my left testicle to buy one of these Sticker Paintings, and it was the best decision I have ever made. If you miss this show you'd better have a damn good reason. Jim B's new work is simultaneously gorgeous, mesmerizing & humorous. It puts the "fab" back into "confabulation"! I don't really know what that means, but I do know you should go buy one of Jim B's sticker paintings before MOMA buys them all up & you have to sell 20 or 30 testes to get your hands on one.
2224 2nd Avenue, 6pm to 10pm.
Chris McMullen's "Process Physics" @ Vital 5.
Vital 5 consistently puts on some of the most interesting art shows in Seattle. We think this will be no different. We have heard that McMullen has installed in V5 a huge, wildly elaborate, Rube Goldberg-like machine. The reception should be a blast and Party Volcano will be there.
2200 Westlake Ave (SE corner of Westlake and Denny), 7pm to 10pm.
Jellyfish Fund Raiser Party @ JEM Studios.
Herr Gummifische (one of the Jellyfish people) explains:
Yet another Burning Man benefit! These kids are officially known as "You Are My Zooplankton, Come Closer!" and are going to have a giant jellyfish dinner theater out on the playa. But for here in Seattle the Jellyfish Jamboree is a straight-up dance party with kick ass DJs and weird performance art.
Wear your plastic pants. Throughout the night, there'll be a huge octopus roaming around teaching his special cunnilingus secrets (god, I wish I was making this up) and a Jellyfish cafe with sushi served by robot waiters. We've got Party Volcano behind the bar again, and Pappy and Bocefus over in "Catfish Corner" doing something heinous in our Lord's eyes, I'm sure.
DJs Heavy starts us up at 9pm and Paul Edwards follows. Xxxtra exciting is Maga Bo playing all things Brazilian and Malcolm Groovesmith with the best dance hall drum and bass I've ever heard. And anyone who's been out in the last few years knows DJ Eddie is the best. Do I even have to extol him any more? DJ Aviel will bring us all the way til 4am, so don't forget your happy pills. Hopefully there'll be a subwoofer there I can hump to squeeze out all the bass from these sets. It's all happening down in wonderful Georgetown at JEM Studios.
JEM Studios, 6004 12th Ave S in Georgetown (I-5 to Corson Ave/Mishigan exit, turn left on Harney to 12th). 9pm-4am. $10.
Summer Members Social @911.
Here is the 911 press release:
Our popular meet and greet event is a great chance for members to experience the excellent work that's produced here at 911. It's also a wonderful opportunity for those new to the media arts center to get involved.
+ Best of member produced media
+ Samples from 2002 Artists in Residence: David Donar, Reed O'Byrne, Cyntha Rose
+ Opening reception for our new Alley Art Mural
+ Celestial Sangria and Hot BBQ Action
911 Media Arts Center, 117 Yale Ave N. 7pm. Donation.
The Aloha Bra Show @ FuNC.
Party Volcano’s resident breast expert, David Kelly, writes:
Men love breasts. We plan our day around viewing them & everybody knows that if we had them, we'd never leave the house. Women love breasts. They love to show 'em if they got 'em, especially my girlfriend. I don't think there's anyone reading this that hasn't seen hers. If you haven't, just ask, you won't be sorry. But enough about breasts (for now).
Although PV has been on a low FuNC diet, the "Aloha Bra Show" seems like as good of a reason as any to give it another try. The fabulous El Vez will be MCing the Bra Show where you will have the pleasure of viewing 120 breasts! And like breasts, everybody loves El Vez. In fact, Seattle is the home of the world's first female Elvis impersonator, Kelly D (who will neither be MCing nor showing her breasts tonight). There will be 6 bands playing, all of which are excellent & there should be something for everyone's taste. I highly recommend the Mercury 4's rockin' surf music, The Speedles "Beatles as covered by the Sex Pistols" pop/punk hybrid & the B-Hives who play B-52's covers (God, I hope they do Planet Claire!).
This event is a breast cancer benefit, which is notable because you can’t get in trouble for staring at breasts when it’s for a good cause.
Bonafide's "Steve Miller Appreciation Night" @ Nation.
Bonafide is a weekly DJ event at Nation. Two weeks ago, we issued a downgrade because of Steve Miller’s comments: “…the patrons were the whitest, geekiest, techie boy sandals and madras wearing kinda crowd I've ever seen. The music wasn't too bad but if I opened my eyes I was surrounded by such bad taste in clothes I actually had to leave. Plus, not a gay boy in sight. But I did sneak in the back door for free, so it wasn't a total loss. ”
In response to Steve’s comments, resident DJ, J-Justice, recently sent out a press release for the 8/2 Bonafide show, a special "Steve Miller Appreciation Night”:
BONAFIDE'S Steve Miller Appreciation Night
Hopefully we can top the success of last week’s Madras and Teva Party!
Come on down and get yer Geek On!
This week’s password: DOWNGRADE!
Wear your finest Dockers and get in for free!
Steve Miller responds:
Ahhh BONAFIDE. Seems like I struck a nerve when I wrote about the fashion-backwards crowd there a couple of weeks ago. Now they're talking about topping "the success of last weeks Madras and Teva Party," and imploring all Eastsiders and what's left of the IT crowd to "Come on down and get yer Geek On!"
I can see why. Last week BONAFIDE brought in Ursula 1000 from 18th Street Lounge Recordings (the label from Thievery Corporation) and Thunderball (whom I've never heard of). Why is this so perfect? Because 18th Street Lounge Recordings is the record label best taking over where Lawrence Welk left off. Stylishly updated for a new generation and guaranteed not to offend with their danceable party beats and exotic samples - it's just what white people and their friends love - a little adventure without leaving the living room - or in this case Nation!
Before I go on can I just say this? I'm guilty, guilty, guilty of playing the same music on my cd player at home (my dad introduced me to it-seriously!) AND I've been a computer geek longer than J-Justice has been scratchin' his mom's Beatles albums.
Which is why I'm thrilled by their latest offer (and I hope they're serious): a Steve Miller Appreciation Night this Friday! Hey, that's me! I'm famous! What a deal: if you wear Dockers you get in free! I wish I had some so I could go for free - oh wait, I'll just sneak in. But maybe I'm on the permanent guest list now...
Nation, 1921 5th Ave, $8, 9pm to 2am.
Saturday, 8/3
Blue Angels Air Show Performances.
Yes, it’s this time of the year: It’s Saturday morning and you are awakened by enormous noise that only U.S. Navy jets can produce as they fly dangerously low over your house. The Blue Angels are in town and you can’t wait until there are gone. Why are people so fascinated about the Blue Angels and air shows in general? Sometimes I suspect that those people who go and watch the Blue Angels secretly hope to get a good shot of two jets accidentally colliding during a complex maneuver and spiraling into Lake Washington. They probably don’t want to get killed, though, like those poor people from Lviv in Ukraine last Saturday.
You might have read about it in the newspaper. A Su-27 fighter plane crashed into the crowd at an air show killing 83 spectators and wounding over a hundred. This is like Ramstein (not the German Industrial band "Rammstein" with double-"m") all over again. On August 28, 1988 about 70 spectators were killed and over 400 people were injured at an open house air show at the Ramstein Air Force Base in Germany. Last year a friend of mine, who was an ambulance driver working in the Ramstein area at that time, told me a very upsetting story. He said that the U.S. Army did not let German ambulances enter the air force base, because it was military ground and officials were concerned about security. My friend speculated they probably wanted to control the ‘information flow’ about the accident.
Ramstein and Lviv were both tragic incidents and in both cases one could claim that people that went to those air shows should have known about the risks. Nobody forced them to go to an air force base outside the city and watch an air show. They made a conscious decision. This weekend the city of Seattle is making that decision for you. The Blue Angels are practicing over your house as they are preparing themselves for the big shows on Saturday and Sunday. Of course you are free to leave the city any time…
Blue Angels Air Show Performances over Lake Washington. Sat and Sun 11:40am – 1pm. Free body bags.
Mourning in Lviv:
Famous aircraft crashes:
Videos of famous airplane crashes:
Blue Angel Schedule:
Mike Albano's paintings at Aftermath.
Diana from Aftermath is predicting your future as follows:
Sure, Saturday afternoon you're gonna be hung over after saucing it up on cranberry and vodka at Vital 5 and that wonderful nectar-like microbrew at Roq la Rue the night before, but there's a chance to redeem yourself before heading out to COCA and the Pound Gallery for their Saturday evening openings. We're going to stay open a little later this Saturday (1pm - 6pm) so you can seamlessly blend your gallery hopping into one perfectly airbrushed summer evening.
Here's what Tablet had to say about the show:
"Albano, who has a background in three-dimensional art just took up painting a few years ago, but it's really hard to tell. He not only has a good handle on the medium, but more importantly on his nightmarish content..."
You're going to be in the neighborhood anyway, right? However, if you happen to be too weak and dehydrated to lift anything other than your little finger, you can see (almost) the whole show online at
Aftermath Gallery. 928 12th Ave. 1-6pm. Free.
The press release says: “… the inaugural group show of architects exploring the breadth and depth of architectural possibility, expanding the traditional definition of architecture in the Northwest….”
Featured architects are:
IOLE Alessandrini
MIKE Barrette
MICHAEL Culpepper
MARC Dombrosky
JAMES Harrison
JOHN Jenkins III
MARK Johnson
lead pencil studio
r-b-f architecture
ALEX Schweder
Our resident architecture critic, David Kelly, writes:
When you combine several of the apostles & some creative local architects, you are sure—as CoCA is intending—to “blur” the boundaries of architecture. Being in that field myself (architecture, not dining with Jesus), I know this is something I will enjoy. The last architectural related art I had the pleasure of viewing was by that guy who draws blue prints for classic TV houses like the Flintstone's house & an entire site plan for Gilligan's Island. Man that was great! I also have high hopes for “BLURRED”— CoCA, in my opinion, always puts on good shows.
AMALGAMATE multimedia electronica showcase @ Oseao Gallery.
Our roving electronica critic, Clint Hutchison, checks in:
AMALGAMATE is part of the multi-state Kallisti Kollectif, (apparently unrelated to the Northwest's own Kallisti Camp sex-and-intoxication-and-black-magic cult), and said Kollectif has a stated policy of showing you, the public, what you don't expect, luring all sorts of people in with several different flyers, then hitting them all with a 1-2-3-4 square-sucker-poly-media punch, leaving them dazed and receptive to..."new experiences." More than that, we can't predict, but more than that, we could not ask.
The space the Oseao Gallery is in, just above the Artificial Limb Company, has been a hopping hotbed of music for several years now, possibly from all the phantom limbs (finally departing from their owners with the arrival of their plastic proxies) drifting up and getting stuck on the second floor. Attending the Amalgamate show may result in one of your legs being possessed, forcing you to cut a rug the way it did back in it's corporeal heyday. It has been the site of some markedly hallucinatory audio, including appearances by DJs Wally & Slipmatt, grassroots healthcare initiatives, and dubbed-out presences like Lord Chillum. Zion's Gate even used to operate out of here before moving next to the young'n'fast shop, going from extremities to extremity.
Oseao Gallery,1402 E Pike (14th & Madison- above the American Artificial Limb Company), 9pm, $10. See for more details.
Countdown - Flight to Mars @ The Industrial Arts Fire Factory.
Another Burning Man fund raiser on Saturday. Here is what the press release says:
Take a ride to the Red Planet in this pre-Burning Man fiery fiesta and fundraiser! Flight to Mars has refueled and is ready for blast-off to Black Rock City. But before heading to Burning Man 2002, this interstellar love lounge will be presenting a special tour of the Red Planet in our hometown!
Hear the smooth interstellar grooves of: MB . USC, Chilipimp . Electro Live PA, Deckard, ModelCitizen, and Tone Fauxfaux.
Feel the heat from triple-armed and twelve-toed Martian fire-spinners with members of Ignis Devoco Industrial Fire Circus and The Fire Academy. And take a tour of the Flight to Mars, from the mystical and mesmerizing Gland Canyon to the stunning vistas of the Martian landscape where gravity takes a holiday beyond the doors of our starship hull.
Tickets to Mars can be purchased at the gate for $15 with a valid interstellar 21+ ID. Come dressed for space travel and receive our special $10 honorary Martian flight pass!
The Industrial Arts Fire Factory. 3427 Fourth Ave. South (just North of Spokane Street Viaduct). Door opens at 9pm. $15/$10.
Like a Virgin on Capital Hill.
And another Burning Man Fundraiser. Here is what we got from Dan, who is one of the Space Virgins:
It's a massive three-pronged party attack taking place this SATURDAY on Capitol Hill.. The Space Virgins are landing, so prepare to move your booty! THREE SPACES! All within ONE BLOCK..start anywhere, end up at Groovetech dancing until 4 a.m.
GROOVETECH (1417 10th avenue) will be transformed into an underwater world with DJs spinning prog/funky/tribal house and breaks from 9:30-4am including SKY,Mark Lacas (Lone Wolf),Ki (KWS records), and AC Lewis + J Justice (Bonafide!, Baltic Room). 18+ permitted! Out of this world visuals by FUNKY PHOTONS (
BLACKMORE/BUDDHAFUL/SOLADAY STUDIOS (1102 E Pike, lower level) It all kicks off early (7pm) with a gallery opening (FREE) at the corner of Pike and 11th. Cassandria Blackmore's glass mosaics, Maggie Soladay's photograhpy, and Buddhaful Designs fashion. At 10 pm DJ's take over, including TARAK, GROOVESMITH and a set of turntablism by SOL RA and MR. Piccolo (BARCA Thrusday Sessions). Drinks available, bring your I.D.
SPACE VIRGIN LOUNGE (1100 E Union, enter off 11th). Look for the DOME guarded by SPACE DEMONS that will lead you into the mothership.
Starting out DJ FLOORMATT (Bonafide) will lay down some funky breaks and house to put you in orbit. Then it's STIMULUS performing live house
+ breaks. AT 1am the debut performance of Capitol Hill's newest indie
pop band the GUEST STARS!!
Rumor has it there will be ALIEN ABDUCTION and EXPERIMENTATION taking place upstairs. Drinks available. 21 and up, bring your I.D. kids. Visuals by Anna Banana of the PRETTY PARLOR.
The lounge is right next door to CoCA's new space, come early for their inaugrual group show BLURRED opening (free)at 6pm:
$10 gets you into all THREE locations, the holy Trinity of cosmic partydom. Pay only $5 if you are dressed for SPACE TRAVEL. Look for the glowing lights at the doors, and prepare to be RE-virginated! Brought to you by the SPACE VIRGIN LIGHT CONTINUUM, spreading enlightenment and re-virginizing earthlings for over 8 years on the Playa.
Having three parties at three places on one block on Capital Hill for $10 sounds like an interesting deal.
Anabret (music) @Rendezvous.
Friendly Party Volcano member Marty is letting us know about an upcoming show of his band "Anabret":
Anabret is playing this Saturday night, Aug. 3 at 11PM, at the Rendezvous in Seattle. It's a great chance to see us live, have a few pints with friends, and to check out the newly renovated club. The Rendezvous is in Belltown at 2320 2nd Ave. Call 206.441.1710 for more details. A special thanks to everyone who tuned in over the past weekend to our KEXP "Live Room" show. We had a great time, thanks for all the kind e-mails and comments. Also thanks to our in-studio friends who where there to support us.
Rendezvous, 2320 2nd Ave. 11pm. Probably 5-8 bucks.
Visit for Anabret's songs and more.
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