Thurs 4/11
Susan Robb is giving a talk at the Henry on Thursday at 7pm about Seedling. It's free to get in so it's also a good opportunity to see Gene(sis) for free. We heard the opening last Friday was packed and fantastic.
Henry Art Gallery, 15th Ave NE & NE 41st St, 7pm. Free.
FRI 4/12
There are a lot of good events to choose from this Friday:
1) Free gamelan, dance and shadow puppet theatre.Friday, 8pm at UW
Gamelan Pacifica will perform for free at the University of Washington's Faculty Center (in the Faculty Club on Steven's Way- see map link below). There will be Indonesian Court Dance by Nunuk Sri Rahayu (from Mangkunegaran Palace) and Czech puppeteer Jan Mrazek (who's also a visiting UW professor) had his students make the coolest puppets ever. There's a long tradition of making fun of everything and everybody in these shows and he does it here.
Just be warned that the space is supposedly small and it might be standing room only - just like it is in Java.
map link:,54,971,534
For further directions go to : And click on "Faculty Club"
2) Roq la Rue Opening, Friday 6pm to 10pm: Andrea Tucker and Joe Newton.
Circus freaks and Superflat-inspired kitties. Party Volcano is there! Oh, wait that's "kitties", not "titties"....
Roq la Rue, 2224 Second Ave (in Belltown)
3) Vital 5 Productions: Friday, 7pm to 10pm "The Sky is Falling" by Ted Grudowski
This is what V5 says:
"This submersive environment of three dimensional photographic collages and sound create an experience that one does not look at, but through. These portals reveal worlds of both beauty and desolate horror; worlds that will blur your perceptions of space, dimension and reality. Ted Grudowski reveals a mind bending mixture of art and mirage, but in the end there is no denying that truth is often stranger than fiction. 3-D Glasses will be provided to all audience members."
What the fuck? No matter. V5 events are usually a blast. Party Volcano is there.
Vital 5 Productions
2200 Westlake Ave. (corner of Westlake, Denny, and 9th Ave.)
Sat 4/13
IMC Opening: 6 PM to Midnight, "Argentina Ahora"
This is what IMC says:
"An exhibit of photos, words, and graphics documenting a nation's collapse and a people's creative response. Featuring the work of photographers from Buenos Aries, New York, Providence, and Seattle. Opening party with food, drinks, live audio collage, and video screening (videos 8-10pm)"
We are a bit hesitant (live audio collage?) hoping that this show is not simply lefty political ranting against "globalization" and other "evils". But we are willing to risk it because the economic collapse in Argentinia has been stunning. Once the Argentinian peso devalued (it was formerly pegged to the US dollar), the economy went from bad to awful. Food riots. Inflation running at 45% per year. Many in the middle class sliding into the dark hole of poverty, rioting and looting all the way down.... It's an awful and riveting thing to watch a society unravel before your eyes. We only wished that we had shorted the Argentinian peso.
IMC 1415 Third Ave (between Pike and Union)
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