Saturday, March 3, 2007

Events from 8/15/03 to 8/20/03

The formatting is pretty fucked up this week - I am

writing this edition on a slow Mac Powerbook. Sorry

about that...

Most of our 1200 readers seem to be indifferent

towards Party Volcano's Deran Ludd project.

It is probably safe to assume that most of you think

we should leave that old fart alone...

Fri 8/15

7:30 PM KIDS IN BRAZILIAN BEAT @ Rainier Valley

Cultural Center.

dusk 12th Annual Islewilde on Vashon Island

(1st day).

8:00 PM BOUDOIR @ Contour.

9:00 PM Bombay + Casbah at Tost

9:00 PM Velvet Dreams @ Lava Lounge.

9:45 PM Jai Hind @Chop Suey

Sat 8/16

9:00 AM hot puke yard sale in Ballard

11:00 AM 12th Annual Islewilde on Vashon Island

(2nd day).

9:00 PM? DIVE party @ Green Lake Pool

Sun 8/17

11:00 AM 12th Annual Islewilde on Vashon Island

(last day).

Fri 8/15

KIDS IN BRAZILIAN BEAT @ Rainier Valley Cultural


Cindy is pointing out this event:


A Brazilian percussion performance for children will

be held at Rainier Valley Cultural Center, resulted

from a week long workshop at Rainier Valley Cultural


When?: Friday, August 15

Where?: Rainier Valley Cultural Center

3515 South Alaska Street

Seattle, WA 98118

What time? From 7:30 – 8:30 p.m. (door at 7 p.m.)

Admission: FREE ($5 suggested donation)

Guest artist: Dora Oliveira.

Also, check them at BrasilFest 2003. For more

information, please visit:


Eduardo Mendonça

Web site:

- Eduardo Mendonça is a voting member of GRAMMY

(Recording Academy)

- Show Brazil Productions, is member of the Ethnic

Heritage Council.

12th Annual Islewilde on Vashon Island

From the press release:

Ladies and Gentlemen, Children of all ages,

It’s the 12th annual Islewilde, the Vashon Island

Community Arts Celebration! Islewilde has been

entertaining island residents and visitors with a

unique blend of arts and community since 1991. At

Islewilde the line between audience and participant is

deliberately blurred, and visitors can expect to be

exposed to puppet shows, mask performances,

cantastoria theater, circus arts, butoh and modern

dance, eclectic music and wandering agents of delight.

Performances take place on stages and venues

throughout a park utterly transformed by banners,

paintings, puppets, flags, games, sculpture and

creative spaces. As always, Islewilde is free to

attend and provides a free feast for the public with

food donated by the community.

This year the theme of Islewilde is “The Fall of the

Roman Empire,” with gladiator fights, bicycle chariot

races, a visit from Cleopatra and her mule, and all

manner of bacchanalia celebrating the decline of this

once glorious empire.

Performers from far and wide are traveling to this

year’s Islewilde including: Jason Webley, Lelavision,

Correo Aereo, Vaclav the Conjurer, Tribal Voices,

Monkey Wrench Puppet Lab, Circus Pandemonium, Tears of

Joy, The Ignus Devoco Industrial Fire Circus, The

Fremont Players, Johnny Jetpack Propulsion

Laboratories and more. The days culminate in a

spectacular community generated pageant.

August 15- 17, 2003

Friday 15 Dusk- Dawn

Saturday 11:00 am- Dawn

Sunday 11:00 am- 7:00 pm

At Ober Park, Vashon Highway, Vashon Island


BOUDOIR @ Contour.

Steve invites us to an event called Boudoir:

This Friday, Join INFINITE BOOTY productions in the


\Bou*doir"\, n. [F., fr. bouder to pout, be sulky.] A

small room, esp.

if pleasant, or elegantly furnished, to which a lady

may retire to be alone, or

to receive intimate friends; a lady's (or sometimes a



room. --Cowper.

This week we're kicking things a little differently.

Both of my residents are unavailable, so we're having

a special edition of Budior with some very amazing


Starting off the night we have Kristina Childs, who's

been spinning tech house since before you had that

cushy dotcom job you lost. After that we have Aron

Schoppert (you may know him as imonk, but I'm not

allowed to call him that), who'se been putting

together all sorts of shows in the area lately

(Iteration3 was a blast if you weren't there.)

Finishing things off is

Jacob London, who've recently released Casual Bingo

(classic) on their own Squid Records Imprint.

And if you're going to see Bjork, don't let that stop

you from visiting with

us! Anyone who shows up with their Bjork ticket stub

gets in for $5.

Thats a small price to pay for the only tech house

night in Seattle that comes

complete with fire dancers, clowns and the strongest

drinks in town.

Come early, and stay for Afterhours, which runs until


Email Steve at with your real

name before 4pm Friday to get on their VIP ($5 until

2am) list.


$5 before 11pm/$10 after


807 1st Ave.(1st & Columbia near Pioneer Square)

Bombay + Casbah at Tost

James Whetzel writes:

Ladies and Gents.

Just a little reminder tonight Friday the 15th I will

be playing at

Tost with DJ Darek Mazzone.

Darek will be spinning tracks from the Middle East and

North Africa

with a little bit of South Asian flavor also.

I will be playing darbouka, singing and throat singing

and playing


Tost is at 513 N. 36th in fremont, kitty corner from

the statue of


It is an excellent dancing opportunity for you.

Email me if you would like to be on the guest list I

will put the first

people I hear from on it.

I hope to see you there.

peace and best musical wishes,


Velvet Dreams @ Lava Lounge.

You'll find the details on ther flyer:

Jai Hind @ Chop Suey

Ike writes:


This is a reminder for the Jai Hind party(India

Indepen-dance Day) this Friday @ Chop Suey.

Expect the best of music from the Indian sub-continent

( a lot of new music).

Dress to impress and if possible wear something Indian

or global ethnic to add color to the party.


Ike Singh

Very proud to present the First party to celebrate

"India's Independance Day" (August 15th, 1947).

Lets make it happen Indian Stylee 101%.

I sincerly request everyone who has any kind of Indian

clothes to "DRESS IT UP".

If you're not Indian, show up in any type of ethnic

clothes-- lets make this party a celebration of

Independence for the entire world.

Note: 10% of proceeds go to CRY (an Indian non-profit)


Anyone wearing ethnic clothes: FREE till 10:30pm and

$2 OFF the cover after that.

Ladies FREE till 11pm

Chop Suey 1325 E Madison St, 9:45pm

Sat 8/16

Hot puke yard sale in "Ballard"

Spencer is still sitting on his crap. Let's help him

getting rid of it:

Dang yeah!

That yard sale we had last Saturday was cool. We sold

a fair amount of stuff but still have a lot of very

cool things remaining and have thus decided to put our

ass on the line and extend our way-cool kick-ass

mind-blowing YARD SALE for one more Saturday! And,

like before, I promise to hose you down with hot puke

if you show up too damn early. I did it to a lady

last week, but it was kind of on accident. I'm

getting off the topic...

SaTURDay August 16th

9am to 5pm

6737 6th avenue nw

(just off NW 65th street in North Ballard at the base

of Phinney Ridge.

look for red stairs.)

just some of the stuff: cool clothes (for men and

women), streamline mixer, beadazzler, comic books,

movies, chuckie mask, ugly art, beautiful art, kiss

toys, board games, furniture, fixtures, free stuff,

books, books on tape, lava lamps, bike, skis, vacuum,

records, record holders, china man hat, and a whole

muther friging fartload more!

DIVE party @ Green Lake Pool.

Their invitation is a ranch-sized FAQ:

Greenlake has a pool? Do you mean that kiddy pee-pond

behind the Rec Center?

No. The pool is actually inside the big white Rec

Center on the east side of the lake. For this party,

you can walk straight into the pool from the parking

lot. There are locker rooms with keyed locks (costs

$0.25) or we’ll have a duffel bag check right outside

the locker room to check your clothes.

I don’t like House Music. Isn’t that what the DJs

normally play?

It’s a pool party, chill out. Kid Hops and DJ Lux play

a wide range of music: from Reggae to House,

Down-tempo to Funk, so there will most likely be a

little of something for everyone- Unless you like Top

40, bad disco, or country, in which case you are out

of luck.

Who’s gonna be there?

Everybody who wants to spend one Saturday night doing

something other than hang out in another smoky,

stale-smelling, club surrounded by clowns over-dressed

to (not) impress. Men, women, gay, straight, young

(18+), old. Anyone who wants to have a little fun, and

can leave their attitudes at the door. Your basic

Seattle hate-free zone.

Do I need to bring money for anything?

No. And yes. If you haven’t already got on the list at then we will ask for $15 at the

door. Once inside, the pool, sauna, music, and snacks

are free. We will raffle off some cool stuff for $5 a

ticket. If a certain secret thing works out, there

will also be a tip jar, but that’s all up to you. The

sponsors are still charging for food and drink, but

that’s what Happy Hour is for.

Cold Lava


dB writes:

Thanks to all who came to the PROPAGANDA party! It was



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