Friday, March 2, 2007

Events from Thu 6/16 to Sun 6/16/2002

As you all know Party Volcano is always trying its best to compile a list of interesting events and parties. (BTW thank you Carmelle, Barbara, and David for your suggestions!). But this week it was really hard – there is nothing really exciting going on. No Mexican wrestling, no Wig and Skirt parties, no fake funerals. It was on one of those weekends when the Party Volcano cult came up the first time. Susan asked me: “Where are all the parties this weekend?” I replied: “There are no parties. The gods, who live in the holy Party Volcano, are angry with us. We have to throw a virgin into the volcano and our inboxes will be filled with invitations again!” It worked, we had a great fall. Now you know the story about the origin of the name “Party Volcano”. It looks like it’s time for another sacrifice. Is anybody volunteering?

Thursday 6/13.

5:00 PM "'Round Midnight” @ SAM Rental/Sales Gallery.

9:00 PM UFO AU GO GO @ Sit and Spin.

Friday 6/14.

6:30 PM Student Exhibition & 2002 Faculty Auction @ University Heights Center.

7:00 PM "Pending" @SAW.

7:00 PM Viaduct Wrecking Ball & Buffet @ Pike Market steps.

7:00 PM Blair Wilson @ Roq La Rue.

7:30 PM Black To My Roots (theater).

8:00 PM Loveshack’s Go Away party @ Fado.

8:30 PM Om Chai House.

10:30 PM Loveshack’s Go Away Cruise.

Saturday 6/15.

10:00 AM Big, funky garage sale @ Scott's house.

12:00 PM Kiss-Good-Buy Sale @Nexus.

3:00 PM Henry IV @ Discovery Park.

9:00 PM The Second Coming on Vashon Island.

10:00 PM? Monkey vs Robot @FuNC.

Sunday 6/16.

11:00 AM Second Annual Blessing of the Cars @ Carkeek Park.

1:00 PM Grand Opening & Summer Party in Ravenna.

2:00 PM Kiss-Good-Buy Sale @Nexus (2nd day).

3:00 PM Henry IV @ Discovery Park (2nd show).

Thursday 6/13.

Round Midnight: Inspired by Music. “Jazz, Blues, World Music.... the Rental/Sales Gallery presents eight Northwest artists whose subject matter or inspiration is music. Artists include Weldon Butler, Joe Max Emminger, Shawn Nordfors, Nhon Nguyen, Lois Silver, Chuck Smart, Alice Wheeler, and Adam L. Weintraub. The show runs June 13-July 13, with the opening reception set for Thursday June 13 from 5-7pm. Music for the evening will be presented by Black Cat Duo.

We're located at 1334 1st Ave. suite 140, a half block north of the museum in the Museum Plaza Building. Our hours are 11-5 Monday through Saturday, you can Email us at and find us on the web at

SAM Rental/Sales Gallery. 1334 1st Ave. suite 140. 5-7pm. Free.

UFO AU GO GO. "A night of mod scenes and groovy sounds. 60's mod and psychedelic rock, soul, Brit Pop, Acid Jazz and International Pop will be on the aural menu. Go Go Dancers and far out projections will be on the visual.

Featuring DJ Chris Porter and Guest DJ DJANGO.

Special guest band - THE VICTOR MATURE.

Visual projections provided by Killing Frenzy Productions."

Happening the last Thursday of every month at Sit and Spin. 9PM Start, $6.

Mod dress encouraged.

Friday 6/14.

10th Annual Student Exhibition & 2002 Faculty Auction. “Please join SAFA for the 10th Annual Student Exhibition & 2002 Faculty Auction. Seattle Academy of Fine Art is betting on a full house and you're invited to raise the stakes.”

University Heights Center, 5031 University Avenue NE. 6:30 PM. Free.

6:30 PM Doors Open

7:30 PM Silent Auction A closes

7:50 PM Silent Auction B closes

8:15 PM Live Auction Begins

No cheating allowed, but for a sneak preview of faculty art see

If you can't make it but still want to participate, call to arrange for a proxy bidder: 206 526-ARTS.

Pending. “Secluded Alley Works proudly presents ‘Pending’, an installation of figurative sculpture by Susie Lee. Lee has been working with clay for the past three years, and is currently exploring the gestural and emotional qualities of the human figure in her work. Pending represents her current focus on site-specific installation, employing decaying or unstable materials that emphasize the emotional aspects of the sculpture she creates.”

Many of you already know that Germany’s education system is based on electricity. Therefore it may not even surprise you to hear that decaying materials are frequently being used for educational reasons at German schools. In my old school one of the art classes became the center of my attention after the teacher entered the classroom with a dead squirrel, which he found in the forest. He placed it on his desk and said: “And now draw your emotions”. When I heard about it first hand from one of the terrified and crying girls afterwards I was thinking: I guess I picked the wrong art class this semester. I was learning about Edvard Munch’s relationships with women while other people got the chance to employ decaying or unstable materials that emphasize the emotional aspects of growing up in Germany.

secluded alley works. 113 12th avenue. 7-11pm, free.

Decaying or unstable squirrel:

The Cry (Edvard Munch):

Viaduct Wrecking Ball & Buffet. I know it's 25 dollars but it may be the best bet for Friday plus, I hate that ugly viaduct so anything to take it down is fine by me:

"Allied Arts is at it again, now, with a campaign to bring down the viaduct and replace it with a beautful, dynamic new waterfront. Of course, a party's being thrown to raise the money to do it. It should be a great time, with fab acts like the Black Cat Orchestra, Das Rut (Reggie Watt's new effort, with members of his band Maktub), Amy Denio, Typing Explosion and the Jet City Improv. Then, too, there's the food. And let's not forget the imaginative mayhem usually provided by the more creative guests themselves at an AAS gig - the costumes, the toys, the sexy dancing. It's all good."

Viaduct Wrecking Ball & Buffet. 1426 Alaskan Way (bottom of Pike Market steps).

Ball & Buffet: $75, 7PM. A silent auction and dinerr. Enjoy champagne, wine, and a feast of food by Seattle chefs.

Includes entrance to the Viaduct Wrecking Ball Buffet, Ball & Auction

Ball without buffet: $25, 9PM.

Includes entrance to the Viaduct Wrecking Ball only

Tickets may be purchased at or by calling 206.624.0432. A limited number of tickets will be available at the door.

Blair Wilson @ Roq La Rue.Blair Wilson is a local artist who has made his mark through his completely unique and attention grabbing paintings and illustrations. His work, which could be loosely termed figurative, is peopled with characters that are grotesquely misshapen, bent, splayed out, and occasionally cut up and sewn together again. The extraordinary aspect of Wilson's work is the amazing detail he puts into each piece. His black and white illustrations looked like he went crazy with the zip-a-tone, but close inspection reveals that all those dots and ovals are painted perfectly by hand. His color paintings are even more impressive, with each dot usually placed above another dot of a contrasting color, perfectly dropped onto the paper with the thousands or more dots comprising each image. The effect is like an unreal scientific image, like being able to see the molecules that make a being up.”

Roq La Rue Gallerie. 2224 2nd Ave. 6-10pm. Free.

Black To My Roots. Amina is pointing out this play, made up of 13 monologues and ensemble pieces. It deals with the collective experience of African American women and the unique relationship they have with their tresses. She writes: “It's my good friend Camille's performance. I haven't seen it yet, but I heard good things about it from those who did. Sort of a 'Vagina Monologues' only about black women's hair - that on their heads, darling!”

Don’t worry, if you don’t have a chance to see it this weekend. There will be 9 shows from June 14 to 29.

ArtsWest Playhouse and Gallery is located at the Alaska Junction in West Seattle, 4711 California Avenue SW. 7:30pm. $15 ($10 Students/Seniors).

Go Away, Loveshack. Handsome but traumatized Scott Greer has this to say about Loveshack parties: “These parties remind me of my privileged and sheltered young life- a boy coming of age in a beautiful, sleepy village called Bakersfield. My mother would send me down to the 7-11 on my mini-bike. Mona knew I was there for a fresh loaf of Wonder Bread, Kraft American Slices, and a pack of Winston Gold 100's (box). She would sometimes slip a Pixie-Stik into the bag for me. As I buzzed down the dirt road towards home, I would sometimes stop at ‘Chappy's Tavern’. I would ride around back and my friend ‘Clint’ would come out, bring me root beer, and take a smoke break. Clint worked at Chappy's washing dishes and cleaning up. He had come from another town where there had been trouble. He would tell me about how he was going to get his shit together and do something. He really liked my mini-bike! He would sit behind me and hug me real tight- all over...Oh, uh...what wa! s..ok, let's see. Yes, we've reduced our desire for Loveshack parties from ‘mild loathing’ to ‘get me the fuck outta here’.”

However, lovely and gracious Ayesha Ahmed says “I went to a couple of these Loveshack parties last year and they were so fun that I ended up staying longer than I expected. Besides, Danish guys are hot.”

Crazy Martin "Loveshack" Lovschall is moving back to Denmark. To his “Go Away Party” (Danish ESL is so cute), he is inviting 2717 people. PV heard he made special arrangements with because he max’ed out on the number of people one is allowed to invite. After he’s gone Andrea Martin’s Space City Mixer (was: Pub Mixer) is probably the biggest player in town. PV is curious about what will happen next. Loveshack will definitely create a huge party-vacuum.

The party will start at 8 PM at Fado Irish Pub and then at 10:30 will move to Pier 56 to board “The Party Boat”. Tix are $12 and can be bought by calling Argosy (623-1445 [Tell them you want to book onto the “June 14 Salsa Cruise otherwise known as the Loveshack Go Away Party”]). As of Weds, June 12, there were still plenty of tix available, but you may want to call soon: previous cruises have sold out.

8 PM Fado’s Irish Pub, 801 First Ave, Free. 10:30 PM Pier 56 - 1101 Alaskan Way., for cruise, $12.

Om Chai House’s Phoenix Festival Fund Raiser. “Greetings Beautiful People and Chai Addicts! The Om Chai House wishes to invite you to its Phoenix Festival Fund Raiser this coming Friday, June 14th from 8:30 pm to 5:30 am. This benefit will feature the performances of 10 DJs and 1 live act. The live act starts promptly at 8:30pm just after the opening ceremony led by Isis Indriya at 8 pm.

P.S.: Please leave your A&E at home as this is a sacred space.”

Om Chai House, 920 19th Ave, 8:30pm-5:30am.Free, $5 suggested donation.


Saturday 6/15.

BIG, FUNKY Garage Sale @ Scott's house. Scott Greer says: "David Kelly, Angela Graham, and I are PURGING! Not our dinners--our collection of cool stuff, deluxe junk and some other crap you simply must possess! ; Furniture, objects d'funk, clothes, tchotchkes, - IT'S GOTTA GO!!" (PV's note: You should go see them, these guys really do amass loads of cool, vintage stuff.)

"I can't swing a dead cat around here without hitting other dead cats!" complains Angela. "I mean- what's the use, y'know? Why even swing a dead cat if ya just gotta stop in mid arch?"

Starts at 10 AM at Scott's house @ 6549 Fauntleroy Way SW (West Seattle). (1 block West of the Fauntleroy/California Ave intersection.)

Map link:

Kiss-Good-Buy Sale @Nexus. It almost looks like Nexus is closing. And as mentioned before many times: I wouldn’t kiss anything there unless you brought him/her/it.

Nexus. 321 3rd Ave #302. Sat noon-5pm. Sun 2-6pm.

Henry IV. “GreenStage has been presenting Shakespeare’s plays in Seattle area parks since 1989 (originally as Shakespeare NW). Our season includes three productions per year with a total of over 50 performances.” This performance is directed by Linda Lombardi.

Discovery Park. 3 PM. Free.

The Second Coming (Vashon Island). “Experience the best ‘the Island’ has to offer. Come to dance and enjoy good vibes with good people at this intimate party; check out the DJS...... AND THEN THE ENTRY FEE!!!! ($7) Given that the party is on the island, therefore a ferry trip is necessary, we are enthusiastic to carpool walk-on ferry passengers to the party (there is parking on the seattle side). If this interests you, e-mail us at KAEDANCE@ATTBI.COM

Kaedance is a budding but successful production team interested in throwing parties for all those who like to share feelings of love and friendship in the best dance environments.”

Vashon VFW Hall. Directions etc. are posted at 9pm, $7.

Monkey vs Robot - Phoenix Fest Preparty #3. “Monkey? Robot? Primitive cyborg? Or maybe a genetically engineered banana? WHAT ARE YOU??? DRESS TO IMPRESS... and GET READY TO RUMBLE!!!! Visual Entertainment by:

[robot] KillingFrenzy

[monkey] Tracer

Flaming monkey balls spun by Pyrosutra

Robotic el-wire designs by Pope Phabulous

Monkey/Robot Jousting. Smash your opponent over the head into a mindless stupor! Or just try to keep your drunken balance!

Cash bar featuring Beer, Monkey Juice, & Robot Fuel.

Spontaneous performance and interactive madness by YOU!”

FuNC. 160 N. Canal St. $8 with costume, $10 without.

All profits from this event will be applied to new and interesting stuff at Phoenix Festival.

Sunday 6/16.

Second Annual Blessing of the Cars. You better get your car blessed before next week’s car-free weekend in Fremont! David K. is so kind to let us know about this event: “This is info for an event my car club is putting on. It'll be fun for those into old cars & rockabilly music... The Rooks are a bunch of cool young guys & girls with a love for all things vintage. It's a nice setting & the proceeds from car entry $$ goes to charity. Important- This is not a religious event! It's just something car clubs used to do in the 50's.”

"The Rooks sure hope ya'll can make it to our Second Annual Blessing of the Cars, Seattle Style, this Sunday (yep Father's Day) June 16th. Its at Carkeek Park in North Seattle and it begins at 11:00 a.m. Parking is first come first serve. The Blessing of the Cars is limited to vintage cars and bikes pre-66' (if your's is really really bitchin' we'll make an exception). We will start at 11:00 a.m. sharp and follow with live music and a bbq. "

Carkeek Park, 11am, free.

Grand Opening & Summer Party. Christina is inviting us to come and celebrate her new work space and summer in general I guess. “It’s not only the Grand Opening of my new work space, Work in Progress Studio, it’s summer time! Please join me for a party. Please bring your beverage of choice, and I’ll take care of the food!“

Open House at Christina’s. 5655 12th Ave. NE (3 houses south of Ravenna Blvd on 12th ave), 1pm – Dusk.


Peekaboo Palace Soundtrack. For those of you who were fortunate to be invited to Vital 5’s Peekaboo Palace some weeks ago you might also want to check out the Peekaboo Palace Soundtrack. This came from Christine Taylor, who put Peekaboo Palace together: “Hi all, just want to say hello and thanks again for your participation in Peekaboo Palace, whether you were a guest or an artist! I just received the message below from DJ Drunken Master. He made a music CD for the party and also mixed tapes for cassette recorders which were either set (or carried) around the party playing "contemporary porn music". Anyhow if you want to hear a bit click on the link below and then scroll down to number 16/"Peek-a-boo Palace" and click there. That takes you to DJDM's web page with On the page is the link to the music. Its adult so be sure you're in a place where you can listen! Enjoy!”

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